Monday, May 20, 2013

My thoughts on winning the lottery are the same. I think it would be awesome! Even though it's ruined the majority of peoples lives it wouldn't ruin mine. Because, I am humble. I wouldn't waste the money on anything dumb. I'd buy my mom a house, and a car. And I'd buy myself a house & a car. Even if I won it at 16 I'd still buy a house and just have a house and pay it off so when I'm 18 I already have somewhere to live. I'd put a lot of the money in a savings account and I'd try to use it through out my life. I wouldn't use winning the lottery and having money as an excuse to be a lazy ass. I'd have a job. People that let the lottery change them for the worse, I feel sorry for. Congrats on messing up your life and letting money change you as a person. Cudos to you!!

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