Monday, May 13, 2013

Hello readers of blogger,
I'm Hailey. The only thing running through my mind is SUMMER! I want to stay up all night long and sleep all day, then do it again. Everyone is so pretty in the summer. Good vibes, tan skin, hair long. Everyone is just so happy in the summer. I'm a pretty laid back chick as you can tell. I'd just rather spend my time vibing with people and doing stuff I enjoy than sitting in a desk all day all year. School is pointless and I truly believe that. School doesn't teach you the real basics of life that you need to know,
They don't teach you how to be happy, how to be independent, or how to talk your bestfriend out of suicide. They don't teach you anything that truly matters in the day in life we live in.


Oh and you can find me on twitter yo,  -

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